gaztelugatxe con perro

If there is one place that encapsulates the essence of the natural beauty and deep-rooted history of the Basque coast, it is Gaztelugatxe. This small island, connected to the mainland by a winding stone bridge, has captivated travellers, artists and pilgrims for centuries. Located in the province of Bizkaia, in the Spanish Basque Country, Gaztelugatxe is much more than a tourist destination; it is a place of mystery, romance and tradition.

I'm very excited about this post, as San Juan de Gaztelugatxe has been on my list of places to visit for a long time, especially since I saw Game of Thrones. If you are fans of the series, you will understand me, but for those who are, I'll explain why I'm so fanatical about this place. In the seventh season of Game of Thrones, there are several episodes where this setting appears as part of one of the cities in the series. But whether you're a fan or not, it's a spectacular place worth visiting.

Since Game of Thrones, the site has become very popular, so much so that if you go after 11am you'll find it very crowded, making it difficult to take photos and enjoy the site.

If we had to recommend a time to visit Gaztelugatxe, it would undoubtedly be  spring-summeras this is when the good weather is supposed to start, and in summer it is not usually too hot (compared to regions such as Murcia).


The name Gaztelugatxe comes from Euskera, the Basque language, and means "rocky castle". Although there is no castle per se on the island, its impressive hermitage dedicated to San Juan Bautista stands on the hilltop, offering panoramic views of the Bay of Biscay. The hermitage dates back to the 10th century, and its history is shrouded in legends of dragons and miracles.

One of the most famous stories tells that Saint John the Baptist fought a dragon that lived in the cave below the hermitage, thus saving the locals from its attacks. The footprint of the saint's footprint marked in the rock is said to be evidence of this legendary confrontation. Now you understand the Game of Thrones connection a little better, don't you?

Every year, thousands of pilgrims and tourists undertake the ascent to Gaztelugatxe as an act of devotion or simply to enjoy the unique experience that this place offers. The path leading to the summit is made up of 241 steps carved into the rock, flanked by sheer cliffs and the roar of the Atlantic Ocean.

As visitors climb, they encounter small chapels where they can stop to rest, reflect or leave an offering. Upon reaching the top, they are greeted by the imposing hermitage and a bell that is said to bring good luck if rung three times.

Qué ver en Oporto con perro en 2 días


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It has already become clear to us that Gaztelugatxe is a spectacular site, but getting to this hidden treasure requires a little planning and preparation. Here we will guide you along the way so that you can fully enjoy the majesty of Gaztelugatxe.

  • Advance planning

    Before venturing to Gaztelugatxe, it is important to bear in mind some practical considerations. First, be sure to check opening hours, as the island and hermitage may be closed on certain days or periods of the year. Also, be aware of the weather, as the Basque coast can be unpredictable, and it is best to avoid rainy or windy days. Besides, bear in mind that on special dates such as Easter Week, you must book a ticket on their website to have access to the place.

  •  Arriving at the parking area

    Access to Gaztelugatxe is from the mainland, via a stone bridge that connects the island to the mainland. To get to the nearest parking area, you can use public transport or drive there. It is important to note that the car park can fill up quickly, especially during the summer months, so it is advisable to arrive early if you are travelling by car.

  • The path to the island

    Once you have parked, start your walk to Gaztelugatxe. The trail starts from the car park and winds along the coast, offering stunning views of the sea and cliffs. Be prepared for moderate walking, as the trail includes steep stairs and uneven terrain. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes suitable for walking.

  • The ascent to the hermitage

    As you approach Gaztelugatxe, you will see the iconic hermitage at the top of the island. To get there, you'll have to climb a series of steps that wind around the hill. This flight of stairs can be challenging, but the panoramic views that await you are worth every step. Take your time, pause if necessary and enjoy the journey.

  • Exploring the island and the hermitage

    Once you reach the top, take a moment to soak up the unique atmosphere of Gaztelugatxe. Explore the hermitage dedicated to San Juan Bautista, which dates back to the 10th century, and admire the spectacular views it offers from its elevated position. If you wish, you can ring the bell of the hermitage three times, according to local tradition, to bring you good luck.

  • Descend and return

    After exploring the island and enjoying the views, it's time to make your way down. Be careful going down the stairs, as they can be slippery, especially after rain. Once down, take a moment to look back and appreciate the beauty of Gaztelugatxe from a distance. This is the hardest moment, as it requires a significant physical effort.

  • Enduring memories

    As you leave Gaztelugatxe, take the memories of this unique experience with you. Whether you have come in search of adventure, spirituality or simply to enjoy the natural beauty, Gaztelugatxe will leave a lasting impression on your heart and mind.

Accessing Gaztelugatxe can take a bit of effort, especially with a dog, but the reward of being in this magical place makes it totally worth it. From the steep path to the breathtaking views from the top, every step of the way brings you a little closer to the majesty of Gaztelugatxe. So get ready, adventurer, and make your way to this jewel of the Basque coast - we assure you won't regret it!

We hope that you found the guide to Gaztelugatxe with a dog. The truth is that we have been amazed by the place and I hope you can enjoy it with your furry one day.

Oporto con perro en 2 días


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