Bruges, is one of the most famous cities in Belgium, making it a must on your trip to Belgium. The truth is that Bruges is a small, pedestrian city, so you won't have any problem getting around it in a day. Although you should know that, when travelling with a dog, you have to adapt to your pet's needs.

We only had 1 day to explore Bruges, and the truth is that we had time enough to explore the main attractions. We had a terrible weather, as it rained a lot all day long. So, yes, one day will be enough to go around Bruges and get to know a large part of the city.


Before visiting any city, and even more so now that we are travelling with Snow, we always look for information about it to choose what to see, where to sleep, where to eat, what excursions we are going to do and if dogs are allowed or not. The truth is that we DON'T noticed that it was not pet friendly. In fact, we saw a lot of dogs, which we were very happy about, because if they are on the street it is because people live with them.

But it is true that there are places where pets are not allowed, but it is very easy to distinguish which places allow dogs and which do not, you just have to look at the entrance of the place.

If the local has a sticker with the forbbiden symbol and a dog, you'll know that they DON'T allow dogs, but if it doesn't say so, you should be able to enter without any problem. As for excursions, in the free tours they are usually allowed, although in bus excursions they DON'T, as bus drives are not allowed to carry dogs. However, they are allowed on public transport, so yes, we consider that Bruges is also a dog friendly city.


We have prepared this optimised itinerary of what to see in Bruges with a dog in 1 day with which you will be able to see the essentials without wasting too much time. This is just a suggestion, you can add and subtract what you want. We have added to the itinerary the possibility of entering the main attractions, but you also have to take into account that in most dogs are not allowed. The itinerary is designed to see everything in a more panoramic way, so you can adapt what you want.

If you want to organise a trip to Belgium like this one and you don't know how to adapt it to you, or simply don't have the time to organise it, remember that we have the consultancy services that are available at a very cheap price. where we will be in charge of everything.

As it was going to be quite a long day, we didn't get up very early either, so Snow had time to have breakfast at his normal time and rest for lunch. To travel to Bruges, we took the train from the central station, because guided tours, as they go by bus, dogs are not allowed, but they are on trains.

But now I'm sure you're wondering: ‘I'm not going to find out anything because no one will explain things to me’. Well, I have a very easy solution: book a Free Tour directly in Bruges. They last 2 hours and because you go walking you will be able to go with your dog.

You need to know something about the Free Tourand is that in Civitatis it says that they DON'T allow dogs, but it's a mistake because we spoke with the company, and they DO allow dogs. In fact, our guide, Nelson, told us that they would never refuse a tour to someone with a dog, that all the guides love dogs and are happy to have them on the tour.

So you can safely book using this Civitatis because no one will complain.

Here are our must-sees in Bruges:

  • Groote Markt: it is Bruges' most important square, which is also home to the belfry. You can enjoy its restaurants, its shops, its hustle and bustle, its medieval buildings, but above all, its characteristic architecture. It is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful squares we know. When it is lit up at night, it is perhaps even more beautiful. We also went at Christmastime, so it was full of stalls selling food, drink, handicrafts, etc.
  • Bruges City Council: this imposing building is located on Burg Square (another must-see). Gothic in style, built in 1471, it is one of the oldest town halls in Belgium.
qué ver en bélgica con perro
qué ver en bruselas con perro
  • Belfort Tower: World Heritage Site, listed by UNESCO since 1999, it is one of the most remarkable in Belgium. Standing 83 metres high, this bell tower, crowned by its emblematic carillon bells, rises above the city's skyline as its proud great symbol, representative of the power and wealth of the town in the Middle Ages. It is now a must-see landmark marking the nerve centre of Bruges from its location on the Grote Markt (Market Square or Main Square)).
  • Canals: the canal is an emblem of the city, so to really enjoy the essence of Bruges, you have to wander around and visit the banks of its canals, because you're going to discover incredible things. In addition, you can do one of the quintessential activities: the boat trip. There are many options, but we'll leave you with a pet-friendly one:

You'll need to go to Boottochten Brugge, located at Nieuwstraat 11, near the Church of Our Lady. Advance bookings are only accepted for groups of more than 20 people, so just go to the ticket counter, buy your tickets (dogs travel for free) and wait in line. Like all shipping lines, each has four boats and they operate every day, rain or shine, from March to October.

qué ver en bélgica con perro
  • The Windmills: as in the Netherlands, Bruges has several canal side bridges along the banks of the canal that surrounds the city, some of which are open for visits and climbing to the top.
  • Minnewaterpark: also known as the love lake, is one of the most peaceful and calm places in the city. Moreover, depending on the time of year you go, you can enjoy different colours.
  • The streets: probably what struck us most about Bruges. When you enter the city it's as if you were suddenly in a World War II film, with the cobbled streets, the style of the houses, etc. It is a fairytale city.


Una de las cosas más importantes que tienes que tener en cuenta cuando preparas un viaje con tu mascota es el seguro. ¡No viajes nunca sin un seguro! Porque no llevas ahorrando todo el año para que tus vacaciones acaben en el veterinario y pagando una pasta.

Además, por ser lector o lectora de viajando con perro,  tenemos  este descuento del 5% en tu seguro con Iati Seguros, la aseguradora que, además de cubrirte a ti, también tiene las mejores coberturas para tu mascota.

qué ver en bélgica con perro


If you are one of those people who don't like to plan a trip at all, or you think you will need help with your pet's documents, this is for you.

With our consultancy service, we will help you travel with your pet, and we will make sure you have an experience as wonderful as the ones we show you in the blog.

  • Basilica of the Holy Blood: one of the most visited places in Bruges. It is open every day from 10:00 to 17:15 and the entrance fee is €2. But you should know that dogs are not allowed inside, so you'll need to turn yourselves.
  • Museums: the museums do not accept pets either, but I am including them here in case there are any museum fans travelling without pets. Some that were mentioned on the tour were the Archaeological Museum, the Groeninge and the Franconate of Bruges.
  • Other places of interestwe didn't have more time, but you can also visit:
    • The Church of Our Lady
    • The Bonifacio Bridge
    • The hospital of San Juan
    • Queen Astrid Park

This guide is focused on what to see in Brujas con perro, but if you want an itinerary through Belgium, we invite you to read our big post about what to see in Belgium with a dog.

Are you getting hungry? 🍔

In order to have the information as clear as possible, we invite you to read this other post where we will explain to you where to eat in Belgium with your dog.

 Would you like to organise a trip to Belgium?

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Find cheap flights to Brussels here.

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Best excursions and activities in Belgium here.

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Exchange money online here.

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Get your travel insurance with a 5% discount here.

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Las mejores guías pet friendly de Bélgica here.


From Brussels, you have trains to many cities, both in Belgium and in other countries such as Luxembourg, the Netherlands, France, etc. Therefore, we have left you some other important cities that you can visit:

  • Amsterdam: the capital of the Netherlands, and a day trip option from Brussels. Obviously, it's not the same as travelling directly to the city and staying there for 2–3 days, but if you're planning a longer trip, you can still make the most of it.
  • Mechelen and Leuven: the two cities of Flanders, full of history, art, and culture. The tour is done by train, so it is quicker and more comfortable than by bus. The guides in Antwerp and Ghent told us that this was a very good option as well. As it is by train, ask if pets are allowed, because you might be able to take them with you for a supplement.
  • Luxembourg: one of the most expensive countries in the world. We are looking forward to visiting it, as they say it is a beautiful country. Besides, we know a girl who went with her dog, and she only speaks wonders about the country. Dogs are not allowed in Civitatis, but they are allowed on the trains, so ask if you can do something to make sure they are allowed.
  • Leuven: one of the university towns in all of Flanders, so it's well worth a visit. It is done by train, so in principle you shouldn't have any problem to go there with a dog.

Doubts about where to sleep? 🏨

In order to have the information as clear as possible, we invite you to read this other post where we will explain to you where to sleep in Belgium with a dog.


Even if it is a short trip, think that many things can happen, such as your dog getting sick, getting cut by a bottle (in Brussels there was a lot of glass on the ground), or simply getting sick because of the change in temperature or for any other reason. For this very reason, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you hire travel insurance. We recommend you IATI, as it is one of the few insurances that not only offers a very competitive price, but also covers practically everything, including your pet. Remember, you have a 5% of discount if you book using our link

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