Since Snow came into my life, I have brought him with me on every holiday. In Spain, it's difficult for us to travel with our furry friends because if they weigh more than 10 kilos, they are not allowed in public transport, many hotels allowed dogs up to 25 kilos, some restaurants can refuse your dog for being big, etc. It's a situation that makes me angry because for many of us, our pets are like our children, and having to leave them in a kennel for a week or two doesn't make us happy.

Snow is now an assistance dog, so he is exempt from weight restrictions on some airlines, but before he was an assistance dog, he was a pet, and we were already travelling with him, but we had to adapt to the situation. And believe us when we say that there are many options for travelling with a large dog. More than we ever thought.

In this section you can view ALL of our DOG TRAVEL, es decir, hechas por y para viajar con perros. Y con esto me refiero a que todos los planes propuestos los hemos hecho con Snow antes, si no no os recomendaría algo que no sé si es verdad, o que luego resulta que no es tan dog friendly como parecía.

If you prefer to leaver your pet at home because you consider that it can be a very stressful situation for them, or because there are destinations that are not suitable to travel with a dog, you can check the section called Destinations where you will find other types of trips that we did before having Snow: cruises, trips of more than 10 days, etc.







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